Sunday, November 16, 2014

Adventure #9: Long Shadows, Short Days

Date: Saturday, October 25 2014
Location: NCAR

This post has been waiting around for awhile and I never quite got around to it.  I guess it's because it really does signify the start of cold weather and a lot less camping, hiking and generally being outdoors.  While Colorado does have an amazing winter and I do embrace it, the days of summer have officially passed until next year.  I'm looking forward to more lazy Saturdays near the fireplace, more warm delicious coffee from Blackdog, and getting to pile on layers of clothes to stay warm and dry.  I really do love seasons and with the passing of one, then comes the next.  I do admit though, Spring could just really be bypassed if you ask me.  It's the most bipolar Colorado weather gets and I could do without.

Anyway we took a quick trip out to NCAR which is the National Center for Atmospheric Research ( in Boulder.  They have a handful of trails that start there and we knew that this could be one of our last warmer weekends.  We only went out for 45 minutes and back 45 minutes, but it was a nice easy hike to round out the year.  They have various signs along the trail that educate people about Colorado's (crazy) weather and Logan really enjoyed reading each one.  On the topic of Logan, this was certainly his last trip in the backpack.  Next summer he will be WAY too heavy.  Before next summer we'll be buying him some real hiking boots, and by that I mean cheap ones from Big 5 cuz who in their right mind would shop for kids hiking boots at REI ;)  Fiona will take over her place in the backpack.  So who knows what next summer will bring, it'll depend a lot of 4.5 yr old Logan and how far he can trek on his own.  Hopefully we've prepared him well.

This past summer was amazing!  It fulfilled so much of what I anticipated/hoped Colorado would be for us.  It's really hard to summarize all the experiences we've had but that is exactly what this blog is for.  So we can look back as a family and relive all the fun we've had.  I hope to spend the winter doing research and planning some great trips for the family.

Long shadows, short days, so long Adventure Season

Monday, September 29, 2014

Adventure #8: Everything is Awesome

Date: Sunday, September 28th 2014
Location: Brainard Lake

An ode to the leaves change and the temperatures get cooler I am reminded how wonderful and fun the summer was.  It was certainly the most fun filled summer of recent memory and I couldn't be more thankful for the adventures and family time.

On Sunday we set out for our last kayak trip of the year.  Erick was gifted a kayak of his own from his Dad for his birthday, so we all agreed that even if it was going to be cold we (the fam, Erick and Mike) would take it out before winter storage.  We left the house around noon and headed to the familiar Brainard Lake.  It makes the adventure much easier when we know what we are getting into.  Even though it was already later-ish in the day, and we knew it was going to be cold and perhaps raining we all had a positive outlook knowing it was the last time on the lake for the year.  We only spent but a brief period on the water before the rain hit and the temperature dropped but we all soaked it up and it gave a chance for reflection on a summer well spent.  It's so easy to become fully ingrained in the moment when the moment is so simple and pure.  I am continually amazed how time in the mountains can totally reset me.  Even if it's not doing much, just being present with my family is something I hold very dear to my heart.  Part of me wishes I could have a life and career that was centered on the outdoors but perhaps then it would lose it's appeal and "magical" powers.

Even though the lake was cut short, we did happen upon beautiful fall colors.  There were a ton of people on the road pulling over and taking photographs.  It wasn't the trip's intent but catching the beauty of fall in the Rockies was a pleasant surprise.  We pulled over several times and snapped some decent photos (unfortunately lacking sun) all while being rained on.  Making the best of it in true adventure style.

During a portion of the drive, Logan started singing "Everything is Awesome!"...louder and louder...with more exuberance as every word came out.  It was such the perfect exclamation point on the summer that I'll always associate that song with our first summer of adventures.  We dropped into Fate in Boulder on the way home and enjoyed some good beer and good food while reminiscing on this past summer and planning for the next :)  On the ride home, the radio was playing some solid rock band music to which we were all jamming out and being goofy.  At some point, Logan realized how silly his parents were being and begged us to stop...I can't imagine that'll be the last time haha

We are both hoping for more fall hiking before winter settles in, and that should make for some more blog entries before winter really starts.  Who knows given Colorado's spastic weather, we may even manage some winter adventures.  I hope we ski at least once too, here's looking at you Dilley's :)

Fall colors

Of course Mike did this

Last trip out for the year

My precious baby girl

Pit stop while Krystal was out taking photos

Aspens in yellow

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Adventure #7: Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Date: Saturday, September 20 2014
Location: Fern Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park

It's been a bit since our last adventure into the mountains.  That's not to say we haven't had numerous adventures around town, seeing as we've had lots of visitors highlighted with Fiona being baptized.  Lots of activities to keep us away from the mountain but all good fun and joy filled moments.

On Saturday we headed out bright and early for a hiking trip in Estes Park at RMNP.  And by bright and early we were packed and in the truck leaving the house at 7AM and at the trailhead before 9AM.  I think we were the only family in all of RMNP to have two children at the start of a trailhead that early.  Everyone else was old people or singles haha.  So let's just say the day started out great.

We had planned to hike to Cub Lake which is a trail that we just screwed up timing on last time and never made it to the lake.  Well last minute we changed our minds and set our sights on a longer more difficult hike to Fern Lake.  We had plenty of water and food, and plenty of the day remaining for what was a 7.6 mile hike.  Some people would stop there and realize that 7+ miles with two kids is a long flipping hike.  Well I'm not sure we even processed it enough or gave it much thought.  I'll just say it now, the trail was also 1500 ft of elevation gain, ending at the lake at 9,500 ft.  Like what were we thinking...haha

Our main goal was to enjoy the fall colors and the hike did not disappoint.  The aspens were just starting to change colors and so while it wasn't full fledge fall colors, there was yellow aspens mixed in everywhere.  The first stop was Fern Falls which was a beautiful waterfall surrounded by yellow and orange leaves.  At this point we kinda realized that we basically had to climb the mountain in front of us before getting to the lake.  It was also not nearly halfway.  Very shortly thereafter, both Krystal and I then realized that we had a LONG day ahead of us.  Logan weighs 37 lbs, plus water and food and the pack it's probably north of 42 lbs.  Logan is an awesome little hiker and thoroughly enjoys hiking on his own, but he's just 4 yrs old and can only manage so far.  I'd say I carried him for 4-5 of the miles.  Krystal carried Fiona nearly the whole way and I think her shoulders are still screaming from it.  At some point on the climb to the top, we all kinda started losing it and singing out loudly "Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide....." OKAY so maybe it was just me singing loudly and everyone else laughing along :)  Closer to the top, I reminded Logan that he should ask the people heading the other way how much farther?  This was mostly for me to know how far we had to go since I was getting pretty hungry for lunch and a needed rest.  On the other hand I always encourage Logan to say hello and a pleasantry to hikers headed the opposite way.  I feel that it's a very simple thing but helps him to be social and maintain a positive and happy outlook.  I mean what's better than a cute little 4 yr old asking "how is your hike going?" :)  As we crested the last hill, the lake came into view and how magnificent and fulfilling.  We felt really proud of ourselves that we managed to get up there as a family.  If these kiddos don't like the outdoors when they are older, something went really wrong haha

We spent about 45 mins up at the lake, eating lunch, taking pictures and exploring.  Logan of course enjoyed throwing sticks into the lake, climbing across fallen trees over the water, and generally doing anything you think a young boy would do.  The elevation was pretty high and both Krys and I could feel the effects when standing up too quick.  Heading back down, we made faster progress and again stopped at the Falls for a short break.  I sat with Logan underneath/next to the waterfall and had a sweet little moment with him.  We sat on a large rock with our feet dangling over, feeling the slight splash of the water off the rocks.  Before the hike, Krystal was talking about how at 4 yrs old children retain some of their first memories.  So sitting by that waterfall, I squeezed Logan tight and told him to always remember this moment :) We'll see if it sticks :)

This is becoming a long post, well because it was a long day!  While driving back into town, we realized that it is Elk rutting season (basically explosion of elk coming down into Estes Park) and people were lining up on the side of the road with lawn chairs waiting for the elk to come out of the mountains and into the valley for water and food.  It was only 4PM at that time, so we parked as well and held out for the elk.  Turns out it was a small group this time (only 20-30 or so) but that didn't stop the excitement waiting for them and trying to spot them.  Logan and I sat on the roof of the 4Runner for a good view.  I continue to relish these simple moments of nothing to do and nowhere to go that for some reason I only find in the mountains.  Krystal managed some great photos of the elk and fall foliage before we headed into town.

We had dinner and ice cream in Estes and finally made it home at 8PM.  That's a 13 hr day, and beside a momentary meltdown by Fiona before dinner our kiddos did fantastic!  I love that they can spend all day in the mountains and be totally content and fulfilled.  Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ;)

3.8 miles, we can do this!

Cool little bridge crossing, Krystal with Fiona

Fall colors and a magnificent smile

Fern Falls

I wish I could nap and hike at the same time

Fern Lake

One of our best family selfies ever!

The lake was crystal clear, you could see the little fish

So tired...

Waiting for the elk, view 1

Waiting for the elk, view turned back around

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Adventure #6: Not similar...special!

Date: Sunday, August 3rd 2014
Location: Copeland Falls, Wild Basin Ranger Station, Bright Trail, Allenspark

We spent Saturday at the park watching a kickball tournament that Drea's boyfriend was playing in so that "only" left Sunday to get into the mountains.  It was a great day outside to enjoy the beautiful Colorado summers and hang out with Dre, just relaxing.

Sunday late morning we ventured off toward Wild Basin Ranger Station in Allenspark.  Jenny met us at our house and we all packed into the 4Runner.  The reason the word "packed" is significant is because, as usual, I drove and Krystal graciously gave the front seat to Jenny.  We weren't even out of the driveway and Krystal was whining about the tight fit.  I said I didn't care and took up my post in the middle seat between the kiddos.  It actually wasn't all that bad.  I had plenty of legroom, and made the hour plus drive just fine minus a little bit of car sickness up the mountain roads.  Toward the end of the drive, Logan and I started to both "maes" out as it was nearly lunchtime.  I finally gave in and grabbed our lunches from the back.  During this all, I told Logan that "you know kiddo, you and I are pretty similar".  To which he responded"Noooooo".  I pushed it a little further and said "ya, we act a lot alike and are similar".  To which he started to go full on breakdown cry and be totally crushed nearly sobbing, then he says "I'm not similar, I'm....special".  We all busted out laughing hysterically and poor Logan figured himself out and started laughing too.  So the saying goes "kids say the darndest things" and it couldn't have been more true in that moment.

We made it to the trail head after getting lucky with a close parking lot.  We seriously have to get all these popular hikes out of the way because they are insanely busy and it's not that fun being surrounded by people and fighting for parking when you want to be alone in the mountains.  All in due time, we'll find more and more remote locations and as Fiona gets older it'll be easier to commit to longer travel times and hikes.

Anyway, our goal was to make it past Copeland Falls and to Calypso Cascades.  Copeland Falls showed up pretty early in the hike and it was a short waterfall but really flowing strong and loud as can be.  Logan and I ventured as close to it as possible and he got pretty adventurous climbing the rocks.  It's that fine line you have as a parent to give them freedom to gain confidence but also not allow them to fall into the raging white water rapids below.  I'd say I did a pretty good job with it and he seemed to embrace the freedom.  We got some nice photo ops of the family with our able photography Jenny tagging along :)  Trekking along we found this cool tree stump that had checkerboard like cuts into the top of it.  Logan and I played around with some rocks on it, but he'll need some checker practice here shortly at home.

We thought we made it to Calypso Cascades so we found a nice spot tucked behind some tress and out of the way of the trail for lunch and sat down to enjoy some grub.  I always love taking a food break and just sitting down for a few moments to enjoy family time.  It's a peaceful quiet time with no intentions or plans that we simply get quality time together.  At this point we decided to head on but after a short little bit, Logan was getting tired so I tossed him in the backpack and we turned back.  By this point we had hiked for about an hour and a half so we figured we had a hike ahead of us heading back.  Well turns out, that with Logan on my back and going downhill we made it back in about 20 minutes haha.  Also turns out that we didn't make it to Calypso Cascades.  We really need to get the GPS loaded with the Colorado topomaps so that we have a better idea of our location out on these adventures.  Either way, it was a beautiful day with family and a close friend.

On the drive home we took a quick detour to check out some 4x4 backroads (Bright Trail) for potential camping sites.  They had signs for moose in the area but Jenny assured us moose aren't that big of a deal since she's seen plenty before.  After some lively discussion :) about the difference between elk and moose, we unfortunately didn't see either.  We climbed the backroad to the top of the mountain and I hopped out for some quick photos at the edge while Logan was sleeping and Krystal was keeping Fiona entertained.  We didn't find any great camping sites so the quick trip was a success in that we were in the area and ruled out any potential spots.  Although there looked to be some solid remote hiking trails.  I also had some fun poking at the females in the truck, and how it appears that the amount of bouncing around and general discomfort while wheeling is directly proportional to if their significant other is driving or not.

All in all it was a fun day, and we enjoyed having Jenny share an adventure with us.  We did learn something important today, setting up the crock-pot in the morning before we leave is a fantastic way to come home after a long day in the mountains......well that and Logan is special ;)

Krystal driving us on a dirt road to the trail head, her first time on any sort of dirt/gravel ;)

Trail head

Logan climbing next to the river

First waterfall


My beautiful bride

Switching hats, I promise Fiona was happy

I totally bribed Logan for the smile on this selfie (couldn't quite get Fiona)

Reviewing the off-road book before heading off

Top of Bright Trail (the photo really doesn't do it justice)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Adventure #5: Camping Time

Date: Friday, July 25th 2014
Location: West Magnolia, Mud Lake

I left work early on Friday and we set out for our first camping trip in Colorado and our first camping trip with Fiona.  We wanted to go someplace close and familiar, so we headed to West Magnolia south of Nederland where we took the 4 Runner on our very first adventure.  I left work at noon and we were at the campsite by 2PM, I'd say pretty dang good considering the little bit of traffic we hit through Boulder.  Logan again enjoyed the little bit of off-roading we did getting to camp.  His giggles continue to make me smile.

We found a nice spot at the top of a small hill and unpacked.  It's amazing when you're not in a group and one of you is corralling children just how long it takes to setup camp but I really enjoy that part so no big deal.  Logan is old enough such that he can help carry stuff from the truck to camp. It's not entirely efficient but it's good for him to be part of the team.  It was pretty cute when he attempted to drag the cooler, he got much further than I anticipated.

Our campsite

Prior to children you unpack, open the cooler and enjoy a beverage or two.  Well with kids, it's "hey Dad let's go explore".  But that is where all the fun is at! We took a handful of small walks around the area and Logan got a kick out of Maya joining us and being off leash.  We also gave Logan a variety of tasks which included stacking rocks, moving sticks, and basically anything to keep him busy with his endless supply of energy.  He was obsessed with the fire pit and we did all we could to keep him not entirely covered in soot.  He's also gonna really enjoy camping if he gets to eat the variety of junk food he did this time.

The highlight of the trip was once the sun went down and we lit the fire.  Due to the sun staying out till 9pm we did dinner on the camp stove much earlier and only did s'mores later in the night.  Logan of course enjoyed the s'mores but he was his usual cautious self in roasting the marshmallow.  He certainly is not the kid that plunges the marshmallow into the fire and let's it catch on fire.  During the s'mores we told stories.  Logan would start the story then Krystal or I would add another part and pass it back to him.  We wound up coming up with some sort of story about horses going to the beach with their cow friends and Logan jumping out of a cake to surprise them.  His imagination at almost four years old is just so wild and so much fun.  He really gets a kick out of telling these stories.  It probably started when we would make up stories about "a boy named Logan" when he was much younger and we got tired of reading him the same book.  He would make us keep going on and on, but I guess he soaked it in and learned a lot.  Logan had also been bugging us about flashlights since we basically arrived at camp, so once the sun went down he finally got what he wanted.  I gave him a head lamp and it was so funny watching him turn his head slowly and look up and down in amazement as the light followed him.  He must have worn one before but perhaps not since he was truly mystified. The lamp also had a red led which he called the 'red version' (seriously what 4 yr old uses that kind of language, what a goof) and it was the only way he wouldn't blind us.  I'm certain that next camping trip his first request will be the headlamp with the red version.

We also enjoyed some fun times in the hammock and got this gem of a video.  That hammock was the best $20 purchase I've ever made.

Sleeping was an adventure in and of itself.  Fiona was a mess being up for a few hours and wound up having to sleep next to Krystal.  We think she was cold, but who knows...basically everyone except Logan didn't sleep well.  He was out cold (well except for his few moments of sitting and sleep talking them passing out again).  The other fantastic bit of the evening was that the tarp I hung for shade was being slapped around in the wind ALL NIGHT! You could hear the wind rolling across the mountain (which was really neat) but once it hit camp that stupid freakin tarp was an obnoxious mess.  Oh well, note to self, don't camp on a plateau and be sure to button up for a windy Colorado mountain night.

Krystal woke me in the morning saying "there's something outside, there's something outside".  Indeed, there was, I heard it.  Alas, we peeked out of the tent and saw nothing.  Krystal was paranoid about bears (she claims there's bears in CO but wasn't in AZ) so she bought some glorified bear mace, a big purchase for her since it cost more than $24.99.  She was very proud of herself.  I simply packed the .45 :)  I will admit there was what appeared to be bear claw marks on a nearby tree.  Also as a kid you never think about these things, but once you are the parent to the kids it does cross your mind more often.  Off on the hikes with Logan I was certainly more aware of my surroundings than I ever was as a kid or an adult with no children.  But that's part of it.

We spent a short morning at camp and packed up for a quick hike at nearby Mud Lake.  It was a kid and dog friendly hike, really easy and short around a small lake.  The trail was marked with blue diamonds on the trees and Logan enjoyed guiding our way.  I will add that having Maya along with us was a really nice change of pace.  She's a really good dog as long as she doesn't see a squirrel...then it's game over, no listening, just chase mode ;)

I'd call our first trip a success.  It was fun to just be the four of us, and I think that fun will increase once Fiona gets a bit older.  Logan was a filthy mess when we got home so Krystal bathed both kids while I unpacked the truck.  Good tag team.  It's surreal to me now being the parent and going through all these responsibilities that were left to my parents growing up.  It's like a time warp where I'm reliving my childhood but from my parents perspective.

We were back by 2 or 3PM on Saturday and had a nice Sunday in town.  It was the first Saturday or Sunday in three weekends that we weren't in the mountains but we supplemented that by meeting Jenny for lunch in Denver and hitting up REI and Wilderness Exchange. We also managed some much neglected yard work...who wants to do that when the mountains are calling.

Until next weekend...

Picturesque camp site location

Hanging around at camp


Hammock Time


My sweet little baby girl

Through the trees



All asleep

Hiking around Mud Lake
What a view

Logan was about spent toward the end of our little hike

Logan's favorite "Roll my windows down and cruuuuise"

Monday, July 21, 2014

Adventure #4: All's Well That Ends Well

Date: Sunday, July 20th 2014
Location: Gross Reservoir

Another day of the weekend means another day spent out exploring.  We left as usual nice and early, and as usual had something slow us down.  This time it was Mike's front right wheel being completely unattached from the drive train with no bolts at all connecting the cv joint to the drive shaft.  A quick trip to the auto parts store and no bolts meant Mike was in 2 wheel drive for the trip, and we started about 20 minutes later than expected.  No harm no foul (at least not yet).

The plan for the day was to head out to Gross Reservoir, take some back roads to a handful of camp spots on the north side of the lake and set up camp by the water.  The drive to the lake was some fun off-roading, nothing difficult but my confidence increases with every trail taken.  There was only a couple of ascents and rutted out areas that gave me hesitation but the 4Runner handled it easily and keeps showing me I have a lot more capability than I can comfortably utilize right now...all in due time.  It was the first time off-roading with the kayak on the roof and without any dramatic events we learned to check all the straps after coming off the trails and onto paved road :)  The trail was great right up until the closed gate.  This was the gate that would take us right to the water's edge.  Option 1:  Carry the 14 ft, 70 lb kayak about a quarter mile down a trail to the water, making trips for all our stuff.  Option 2: Detour around the corner, traversing a slightly more difficult climb in the trucks and still have a quarter mile hike albeit flat.  Option 3: Admit defeat, and make the hour drive to the other side of the lake where an actual boat ramp exists.  At this point, there weren't too many happy faces in the truck and we are learning that planning these adventures properly is just as important as actually taking the trip.  Note to self: call the ranger for the district ahead of time, and if your plan hinges on certain forest road access, ask them if it's open (easy enough).

We decided upon Option 2.  Problem being, Mike's two wheel drive Pathfinder wasn't up for the task.  Luckily we didn't even get into a hairy situation.  Mike earned major kudos with Krystal by, after evaluating the difficult section, said that without 4x4 he didn't feel confident making it up.  At this point, we found a nice shady spot under some trees and set up for an hour long lunch.  Picnic style, complete with ice cold adult beverages and more cream cheese on a bagel then you can imagine.  Erick had picked us up lunch, and grabbed Logan at bagel with cream cheese.  After reducing the cream cheese thickness by half myself, Logan still thought it was hilarious to have a cream cheese mustache.  Well actually it was more like a full blown goatee.  Nevertheless sitting on top of the mountains with family (Mike is family at this point) and watching Logan make a disaster of this bagel was a fantastic way to spend time together.  I even threw up the hammock and Logan lounged while we all sat around and chatted about nothing in particular.  We all had a good laugh when Erick noticed a bee on his leg and instead of simply swatting it away, he screamed like a 10 year old girl and threw his hands into the air.  It was completely out of left field, and I'll continue to remind him of just how funny it was for a long long time.  It's amazing how good company can make a not-so-successful (up to this point) trip become much better.  After having full bellies and enjoying some laughs, we decided to make the drive around the lake and get to the boat dock.

Fiona and I enjoyed some alone time hanging at the beach while Krystal and Logan took off following Mike and Erick (Mike has two single person kayaks).  It's not often I get to give her my undivided attention so it was a nice perk of the trip to just sit around and relax with her.  And I do say relax because she is SO easy and content.  It must have been an hour plus when Krystal returned with Logan and a bunch of new blisters to show off just how far she paddled.  I swapped roles with Krystal and took off with Logan in the kayak.  Logan and I are finding this little routine that we both enjoy.  He points out a spot on the shore, I paddle us over there and he hops out to explore the area.  He's getting better at getting in and out of the kayak on his own, so I remain in the boat and watch him run about.  This usually involves climbing about some obstacle and/or throwing rocks into the lake, typical little boy stuff.  I thoroughly enjoy paddling up to shore, him hopping out and just sitting back and watching him explore a bit.  It's a rewarding experience for the both of us as I never know what exactly he's going to do and more importantly it gives him confidence going alone.  I can't wait for the day that he disappears for a few minutes only to come back and demand that I get out and come look at what he's found.  But until then, I simply enjoy and appreciate watching him grow and mature every time he steps onto shore...

Gross Reservoir (yup that's a bear in a tent)

Off-roading + yak on top + mountain views = dream come true

Perfect lunch spot

Just chillin'

Fi :)

Logan on shore exploring, he found a bench!